Eli Katz
Eli Katz is a partner and co-founder in TSUF (The Start Up Factory), a new private equity and venture studio, which has established and invested in more than five companies since its inception.
Eli Katz started his career at age 13, working for the IDF in designing language related algorithms. Since 1999, he had founded five startups with significant technological innovations.
He was the Director of algorithms in VO (France Telecom/Orange) for three years and spearheaded the speech and NLP research in Verint, where he generated several patents.
For four years, Mr. Katz owned a consulting firm where he worked as a specialist and a “problem solver” of complex NLP/NLU/AI issues for some of the largest organizations in the US such as
NSA, IBM, Disney, McMillan, Phonetic Systems and many more.
Throughout his career, he has created over 28 patentable innovations, some already in the process of registration, including a system and method for ranking news feeds; systems and
methods for text nuclearization; method for predicting social storms by analysis of exposure and decay; method for calculating flow sentiment analysis for inert sentences; and more.
Eli is a member of the international board of the Weizmann institute of science and also a founding member of WeizmannVibe- the next generation club of the Israeli Friends
Association of the institute, and a member of its board.
Eli Katz is married to Shlomit and is father to five children. His hobbies are extreme desert hiking, wildlife photography, cryptography, history and music.